Cyber Monday SALES 2020 FOR NEW MOMS


This blog may contain affiliate links, meaning I will make a commision if you choose to buy. Please know I'm recommending these items because I love them, most of the companies I work with I reached out to after using their product. If you do decide to buy I'd be stoked if you clicked the links.

Please send me an email if any links or codes aren't working, thank you!

Who else has been making a Black Friday and Cyber Monday  List and checking it twice?!
These are some of my FAVORITE brands that I have long term partnerships with (aka I actually use and love their products). I reached out to them to find out what sales they're offering so I could share them here with you!

Cyber Monday Sales:
1. California Beach Co.
65% off + an EXTRA 10% with HEYSHAYLA
Free Wave mattress Cover with this combo:

cyber monday 2020 baby playpen

California Beach Co.
PayPal for kids

Why I love:
– SO easy to take down/set up I show you at the bottom of this blog.
– Great place to keep a moving baby (and all of their toys)
– The self-inflating mattress is awesome for spills (and diaper-free time).

Dates: Monday, Nov 30th
DiscountEXTRA 10%off the 65% off sale going on, seriously!


Dates: Monday, Nov 30th
Add a Sunset Pop N’ Go, a Self-Inflatable Mattress and the Waves Mattress Cover (all 65% off ) and receive a FREE whimsical Waves Mattress Cover

2. Expecting and Empowered
20% off with code FRIDAY for Cyber Monday

cyber Monday sale pregnancy workout
CybPhoto was taken: May 1st
Baby born May 4th

Expecting and Empowered is the Pregnancy and Post Partum workout I use
Why I love:
– PELVIC FLOOR!  Each workout includes a pelvic floor exercise  AND an appropriate exercise for where you are in pregnancy or postpartum.
– The program was created by a nurse and a physical therapist
– The workouts are week by week, so they are appropriate for where you are in your pregnancy and/or postpartum journey!
– I believe this (and hypnobabies) is why I pushed for 20 min and also why I healed correctly after. During covid, this was a Lifesaver! 

Dates: Monday, Nov 30th
Discount: 20% off
(HeyShayla when they ask where you heard about them!)

Cyber Monday Only!
3. Lovevery
Save $25 on Organic Baby Quilts when you prepay for a play kit. Also, save 10% when you prepay.

Cyber monday sale baby development toys

Child Development Toy Subscription Box

Why I love: Lovevery is a subscription box for child development, Montessori based, and make it SOOO easy to help your baby at each developmental milestone because they mail developmental ready toys to you every other month! I really really love them.
A video with the 0-3 month box here.

They NEVER have sales, they won't even tell me what it is until it's LIVE!! SO stay tuned, I'll let you know as soon as I know! 

Dates: Monday, Nov 30th, 2020
Discount: $30 off playset when you prepay for a Play Kits Subscription Program (Plus 10% off when you prepay)

4. Rakuten
Spend $40 using Rakuten and they give you $40 cashback, not just a credit.

Cyber Moday sale rakuten

Chrome extension that finds you MORE DEALS!

My sister and Seth both felt like this was sketch, so I want to explain how it works! Rakuten is an affiliate with all of these companies and then just shares their commission percentage with you so you use their site… easy peasy.
Example: They get paid 6% of every sale they sent to the company. They offer you 2% so you use their site. Win, win, win.
Why I love: They work with over 2,500 stores and almost every time I bought something online Rakuten offers cashback on it… yes, please!
The last couple of checks they sent me totaled $50 cashback!

Click here to join and get $40 back on the first $40 you spend!

5. Felix Gray
(+ an extra 2% with Rakuten)

This is the shape I wear

Felix Gray: My Favorite Quality Compter Glasses
Why I love it: To be honest, when I first heard about blue light blocking glasses I thought it was BS… but now I'm a BELIEVER. I wear them all the time and when I start on the computer I search for them first!

Dates: Monday, November 30th
Discount: 15% off sitewide

6. Kindred Bravely
(+ an extra 4% with Rakuten)

Cyber monday sale 2020 kindred Bravely

Kindred Bravely: My Favorite Nursing Bra
Why I love it: I have tried a few bras, and this one I actually ran in (mind you I still don't have huge boobs) there is good support and it's QUALITY material. If you plan on breastfeeding having a couple of these is pretty great.
A whole blog post about items to have to make breastfeeding easier.

Dates: Monday, November 30th
Discount: 30% off sitewide
(HEYSHAYLA for 20% off regularly!)

7. EarthMama Organics
30% off Everything!!

Cyber monday
 sale earth mama organic

EarthMama Organics
Organic products for you and baby

Why I love: Their nipple butter. Yep, things I never thought I'd say on the interwebs. THeir nipple butter is the best,  and I've tried multiple. 
I also love that THEY prioritize making organic and safe products like nipple butter, sunscreen, hand sanitizer for mama's and their babes.

When you become a mom I swear these things become 100x more important!

Dates: Monday, November 30th
Discount: 30 % off E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G

8. Liquid IV
30% off PLUS free tumbler with code HEYSHAYLA25

cyber monday sale 202 liquidiv

Liquid IV
Electrolytes for HydrationWhy I love: 
Working out while pregnant or breastfeeding is GREAT and staying hydrated is soooo important. The flavors are so good I feel like I earn my drink! 
I love their immune booster and “Apple Pie” which tastes like Cider! Yum.

Dates: Monday, November 30th
Discount: 30% off and always free shipping
Code: HEYSHAYLA25 (Yes it's #25 but you get 30% off!)

9. Canyon Leaf
40% off + EXTRA 10% off with HEYSHAYLA

cyber monday sale 2020 canyon leaf

Amber necklace for teething and drooling:

Why I love: First of all, it's cute. Second Amber is supposed to help with baby's teething and drooling. They do a great job of explaining here and here.

This is the one we have 11″

Dates: Monday, November 30th
Discount: 40% off (automatic) + 10% off with code

10. Love Bug Probiotics
Over… but 15% off with my regular discount!

Black Friday sale Lovebug Probiotic

Probiotics for pregnancy and postpartum

Why I love: I created a video about why probiotics are beneficial for women AND BABIES during pregnancy and after while breastfeeding!

The quick and dirty is it helps to build BABY'S gut health before they're born, can help with your Strep B test (so you don't have to have antibiotics during labor), and to keep things regular 😉 

Dates: OVER
Discount: 15% off

xo Shay