GOALS + creating a plan PDF


Since becoming a Mom figuring out what my goals even were was overwhelming.

Here’s the secret, they’re not the same goals they used to be and thats okay.
But it will take some thinking, which is what this guide is for.

What kind of goal are we talkin’?

This guide walks you through:
– Where you’ve been, what have you accomplished in the past year? I promise you’re further ahead than you think.
– What you anticipate happening in this year? (baby, house, job change, etc)
– Your BIG GOALS (the ones we are almost afraid to write down. The long term “I want my life to look like this in X years”).
– The shorter term goals for ourselves (and breaking down the excuses we’ve created)
– Goals we have with our partner, or about a future partner.
– And finally those financial goals.

Include health, wealth, happiness, rest, and whatever is relevant and important to you.

Every decision we make takes us closer or further from our desired life.
Once we determine what that is, decisions are easier. They’re either taking us closer to, or further from our goals.

Do I really have to do this?

Of course you don’t have to. But why not? What’s the hesitation?
You might fail? Here’s another secret, there’s no falling, there’s just redirecting. We can’t predict the future but we can have a direction.
If you skip the planning step in creating your life you’ll continue to wander without a path or plan.

One of the best things is to look back on is your goal sheets and see the things that wrote down that you have since accomplished.

I believe in you, and investing the time to sit down and do this is the first step in believing in yourself.

“Make each day a stepping stone for the next so you sequentially build a successful life.” – The ONE thing

We’ve got this.

xo Shay

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Goals take planning!

Creating a clear direction on where we're going and how we wanted to create our lives is crucial (and doesn't have to be hard).
So first, I sat down first and looked for a template to help me set my goals, but after searching and finding nothing I liked, I created one.

Then, my husband said he'd do it with me!
Don't worry, if you're partner isn't as jazzed about goal setting, you're not alone. Tons of people messaged me saying their partner wasn't into it.
I promise, the worst way to get them to participate is to beg them. The best way is to do it anyway then *vulnerable* share what you've written and then make those things happen or skip the sharing and just start the doing.

Decide what you want, what you truly  want your life to look like.

Let's do it!

xo Shay


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